OOLS Club News
OO Live Steam Club
Supporting OO Live Steam and its Community
The Engine Shed

Maurice Rourke
1948 - 2022
Committee Member
Roadshow Team Member
Roadshow Manager
Club Chairman
Maurice joined the club in 2014 and like so many before him quickly became an OOLS enthusiast.
Prior to becoming the club chairman Maurice had for several years managed the operation and bookings for the club Roadshow. He was also the driving force behind the Engine Shed, establishing the standards of fair pricing and the Club Promise that enables member to buy from the club safe in the knowledge that they will be supported.
Maurice was also responsible for the creation of the club special Limited Edition models, a way to provide members with something a little different to the eight Hornby models . Most recently, despite failing health, he was still heavily involved with the setting up of the OOLS Service & Repair scheme.
Maurice has been a good friend to many of you and has done much to help many individuals either to buy, sell, maintain or look after their OO Live Steam collections.
Maurice has been a great asset to the club and his final wish was that his extensive railway collection be used either on the club Roadshow or to raise money to continue to support the running of the club.
Maurice's presence will be sorely missed as we continue to move forward.
Happy Memories (Click Photo for larger version)