OOLS Club News
OO Live Steam Club
Supporting OO Live Steam and its Community
The Engine Shed
Next Roadshow Event
The Festival of British Railway Modelling 2025
OOLS Club Forum
Welcome to the OO Live Steam Club forum. Sign up and join the discussions.
Forum Rules and Help
All users please read the Forum Rules and checkout our User Guide on how best to navigate around the forum
2Introduce Yourself
Say hello and tell us a bit about yourself and your hobby
109General Discussion
Got something to say . . not sure where to put it . . this is the place.
237Club Roadshow
The place to learn about the club Roadshow . . .
32Roadshow Reports
View the reports and photos from the events that the Club Roadshow attended
38Website and Forum
Got an idea - Having a problem - Suggest another Category - Feel the need to comment - then this is the place to be
21Your Projects
What are you planning? What have you designed, built, modified or painted? Tell us all about it.
What? Why? How? . . . Ask your question here
265For Sale and Wanted
Buy and sell from/to other members. The OOLS Club accepts no liability for any items bought or sold using this forum
88Club Management
The place for all matters relating to the Committee, Committee Decisions or Club Management
A place to record donations made for the benefit of the club
4Off Topic
Want to talk about something other than OO Live Steam . . . then this is the place . . . so what's on your mind?
- Forum Rules and Help(Updated 22/10/17) OOLS Community Forum Everybody is welcome so please enjoy your visit. To gain full access to the forum you need to register, a quick and easy process. If you're already a member please log in to your account to access all of the features: The forum is run by OO LIve Steam enthusiasts, and there are no subscriptions or fees. Your contact details are guaranteed to be kept private and will not be passed on to third parties. The OOLS community are a friendly bunch and we expect you to be the same, so here are some of our Community rules that help ensure that we can all play nicely :) Forum Rules 1. Be kind and welcoming and say hello to new-comers. 2. Treat other members with the respect they deserve. This should go without saying, but treat others like you would like to be treated! 3. Share what you know - everyone here is a teacher and a learner. Give credit to your peers when you use their advice or reference their work. 4. Please do not spam. The definition of spam is an irrelevant or advertising post. Any post considered spam will be removed. 5. Please do not post threads text in all CAPITALS since this is considered to be shouting and is not necessary. 6. Please refrain from posting images larger than 800x600. This is considerate to members with slow internet speeds, and keeps the forum looking tidy. 7. Insulting and flaming or personal attacks against forum staff or other forum members will be not tolerated. 8. Please be considerate in language you use on the forum, some of our members are younger than others. Swearing is not acceptable under any circumstances. 9. Please do not post inappropriate material. We think everyone understands what we mean by this. The policy is that if you would not feel comfortable viewing it at work, or in front of children or parents, don't post it! We think these rules are clear, and easy to follow and are only in place to ensure our community is a fun place to be, with a comfortable atmosphere for all. So, what happens if a rule is broken? Depending on the severity of the infraction there are different courses of action that may be taken. These range from a PM (personal message) with no further action to temporary or permanent bans. If you have any questions regarding the rules feel free to contact the OOLS Club Secretary (membership@oolivesteam.com) who will be able to clear things up for you. The OO Live Steam Club CommitteeLike