OOLS Club News
OO Live Steam Club
Supporting OO Live Steam and its Community
The Engine Shed

Club Special
OOLS Limited Edition Loco - No 2

A4 Pacific - LNER Green with Black & White Lining
£295 + Donor Loco
This second limited edition will also be based on the Hornby live steam A4 pacific and again there will a maximum of 35 locos, in keeping with the number of A4’s built.
As you may know the first four built were out-shopped in three contrasting shades of grey, especially for the Silver Jubilee service. Following their success it was decided to order a further seventeen locomotives but as they would work a range of passenger services the silver livery was deemed inappropriate and would therefore revert to green with white and black lining, This was in line with the previous standard LNER passenger locomotives livery (the one exception being No 10000) and considered more appropriate for working with the teak coaching stock.
The first loco, 4482, in this livery appeared in December 1936 and as with the four Silver Jubilee locos a parabolic curve at the junction between green and black paint was again used. However there was a concern that the green paint would not withstand the heat on the sides of the smokebox so for the next five locos (4483-4487) the parabolic curve was discarded and the black paint carried back to the first boiler band.
This, at best, did not fit with the lines of the engine and only three more locos of this batch were painted in green, all with the parabolic curve giving a total of nine locos: -
• 4482 Golden Eagle (parabolic curve)
• 4483 Kingfisher (solid black front)
• 4484 Falcon (solid black front)
• 4485 Kestrel (solid black front)
• 4486 Merlin (solid black front)
• 4487 Sea Eagle (solid black front)
• 4493 Woodcock (parabolic curve)
• 4494 Osprey (parabolic curve)
• 4495 Great Snipe (parabolic curve)
So how will it work? - We have again engaged Warren Haywood to paint the loco and tender bodies. Warren has been building and painting models for over 30 years and produces work of excellent quality.
Should you wish to have one of these unique models you will need to donate a loco, ideally a Mallard, as a body with valances is needed. In addition to the livery change, each loco will be fitted with replacement green-coupled wheels, a green wheeled bogie and green pony truck wheels. Also a black single chimney will replace the double chimney of the donor loco. Please note that as there are no green wheeled pony trucks available Warren will paint the pony truck wheels of the donor loco.
In addition to the livery change, each loco will have a limited edition certificate authenticated by Richard Hallam, our club president and inventor of the OO live steam system.
All you need to do is decide which of the nine names you would like and provide a donor loco.
If you don’t have one, the club may be able to help so please get in touch.
As far as cost is concerned we want to keep the price in line with the previous limited edition but you will
appreciate the need for a small increase to cover the replacement wheels, chimney and repaint of the pony truck wheels. The cost of the conversion of your loco, including the additional work and a limited edition certificate is £295 plus postage.
We are more than happy to answer any questions and give any help needed. To make a purchase please contact us to discuss your requirements.
Contact details are Nigel Hoskison
email: sales@oolivesteam.com
Telephone : 07546 432062
Don’t delay only 35 will be available