OOLS Club News
OO Live Steam Club
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Portable Appliance Testing (PAT)
What? . . . Why? . . . How?
What is Portable Appliance Testing (PAT)
Portable Appliance Testing (PAT) is a process for inspecting and testing electrical equipment. While there isn't a legal obligation to conduct PAT testing specifically, it is regarded as the most effective way to check the safety of second-hand electrical equipment intended for resale
Why Is It Important
As an organisation we bear the responsibility under the General Product Safety Regulations 2005 for ensuring that every item we sell, including electrical equipment, is safe to use.
The Electrical Equipment (Safety) Regulations 2016 also states that all electrical equipment supplied, including second-hand items, must be safe. However, the law doesn't specify how to ensure that electrical equipment is safe, leaving the method up to the discretion of the seller.
Inspection and Testing
The PAT testing process incorporates both a visual examination and a set of electrical tests.
The visual inspection is the first step, where the tester examines the equipment for obvious physical defects such as damaged cables, broken plugs, or visible signs of wear and tear. This is a crucial aspect of the process as most faults will be found during the visual inspection.
However, some potential hazards are not immediately apparent to the naked eye, and that's where the electrical tests come in. These tests involve assessing the appliance for earth continuity, insulation resistance, and functionality, using a specialised PAT testing device.

PAT Tester Competency Training
The PAT inspection and testing should be carried out by a competent person. A competent person is someone with the necessary skills, knowledge, and experience to carry out the testing.
Committee member David Price volunteered to undertake the necessary training to enable the OOLS Club to be able to PAT test the equipment used with the Roadshow, meet our legal requirements for any relevant items that the club may sell and to provide a PAT testing service for those members who require it.
The Club sourced test equipment and training from Parker Bell Instruments Ltd, a company with more than 20 years experience supplying PAT Testing Equipment to Care Homes, Hotels, Holidays Parks, Schools, Universities, Vets, Doctors, Dentists, Offices, Construction Workers, Charities and many more.